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Ruth Miura

右が筆者のルース先生、左が小学校のDeja校長先生 以前はVetrunge小学校と呼ばれていたカウナス・スズキ小学校 は、当初、建物を間借りしながら、40人の子どもたちで始まりました。10年以上たった今、生徒は359人に増え、幼稚園の子どもたちのための新しいクラスや、3歳までの親と一緒の子どもたちのクラスもできました。

鈴木先生の奥様、ワルトラウト夫人も紹介されています 学校のカリキュラムはリトアニア共和国の履修科目に従っていますが、生徒たちの半数がスズキ小学校の中でスズキ・メソードで楽器を学んでおり、現在、ヴァイオリン、チェロ、ギター、ピアノのレッスンが行なわれています。リサイタルやコンサートもたくさん行なわれていて、子どもたちはクラスメートの演奏を聴き、良い刺激を受けています。学校には19台のピアノがありますので、常に音楽が聴こえます。クラスの先生たちは授業の間、バックグラウンド・ムージックのようにスズキのCDを流しています。


表現活動にも大きな力が注がれています すべてのクラスの先生は、校長のDeja Aukstkalnyte (スズキ・ピアノ指導者)先生が選んでおり、スズキ・メソードで教えるということはどんな意味があるかということを説明しています。クラスの先生はしばしば子どもたちのレッスンを見学したり、スズキのTeacher Trainingの授業に参加して、スズキ哲学の講義を聞いて勉強しています。また、先生方は、鈴木先生が指導されているビデオを観たり、私が何年にもわたってピアノの研究生に見せてきたガイダンス・ビデオの講義を聞いたりしています。ヴァイオリンのTeacher TrainerであるKoen Rens(クン・レンツ)先生もたびたびカウナスにやってきて指導してくれました。最近も指導に来てくださり、親への講義をしてくれました。



Kaunas Suzuki Primary School, Lithuania
Principal: Deja Aukstkalnyte
(also Suzuki piano teacher)

Barcelona, 19 December, 2016
Ruth Miura

You can feel some of the spirit of the school by looking at the photos and reading the subtitles. I think Dr. Suzuki would be very happy.  The Kaunas Suzuki Primary school (formerly called Vetrunge primary school) began with 40 children in a shared building and after more than ten years, has grown to include 359 children , including new classes for kindergarten students as well as the classes for babies to 3 years with their parents.

  The school curriculum follows the Lithuanian state school subjects and around half of the students also learn a Suzuki instrument in the school. At the moment, there are Suzuki lessons for violin, cello, guitar and piano.
There are many recitals and concerts, and the children are very motivated by hearing their classmates playing. With over 19 pianos in the school building, there is always music – and the classroom teachers also play the Suzuki CDs during the school day during the school lessons.

 The main change has been an increase in the number of students every year, as more and more parents notice how happy the children are in school and see that they achieve very high scholastic results, even without exams.
The school building has also undergone improvements and each year receives a little funding from the municipality now to repair the old building (very much like the first one where Dr. Suzuki taught in Matsumoto). The children’s artwork fills the school and in addition to the normal school curriculum, there are many extra-curricular activities after school while the children wait for their parents to collect them. Often the children tell their parents to wait as they do not want to go home yet!

 All the classroom teachers are chosen by Deja herself who explains what it means to teach in the “Suzuki way”. Teachers often attend the Suzuki teacher training sessions to watch childrens’ lessons or to hear lectures on the philosophy. They also have seen many videos of Dr. Suzuki teaching on videos or lecturing on the guidance video sessions which I have shown the piano teacher trainees over the years. Koen Rens (violin teacher trainer) also came to Kaunas for several years and recently visited again to teach and give lectures to the parents.

 It took many years of effort to create this Suzuki school, but Deja tells me that each year the new children learn faster and that everyone is happy to be in such a positive environment.

 I am very moved to see how much Dr. Suzuki’s spirit is loved and appreciated in Lithuania .

 For the Suzuki teachers in Lithuania, it is part of their dream to create an environment “for the happiness of all children”. (quote from Dr. Suzuki)


校長 Deja Aukstkalnyte

音楽の授業を行なう校長のDeja先生 カウナス市のスズキ小学校は毎日、イベントで溢れています。幼稚園の子どもたちは1日に4時間幼稚園で過ごします。小学生は5時間授業を受けます。学校は朝7時に門が開きます。授業は8時30分から始まりますが、スズキで楽器を学んでいる生徒は7時45分からレッスンを受けています。他の子どもたちはホールでピアノを弾いたり、友だちと遊んだりするために、早くから学校にやってきます。先生や事務局員は8時前後に出勤してきます。





Looking Towards the Future in Suzuki Spirit

Kaunas , 20 December 2016
Deja Aukstkalnyte, principal

 Every day in Kaunas Suzuki primary school is full of events. Usually the pre-school children have 4 and primary school students – 5 lessons per day. The school is open from 7.00 h in the morning. Lessons start from 8.30 AM but some pupils have Suzuki instrumental lessons from 7.45 h. Others arrive early to play piano in the front hall or to meet friends. Teachers come at 8.00 h or earlier as well as the administration staff. Our days last till 8.00 PM.

 Four lessons end at 12.15 h, and the fifth one at 13.10 h. Each class has their own teachers who are responsible for the main subjects (math, Lithuanian language, natural sciences), communicating with parents, meetings, educational tours, and even for the break to feed children in the school‘s kitchen. Another group of teachers – English, German and Russian languages, sport, music, dance, theatre and art- work together with the classroom teachers and are responsible for their subjects.
After lessons children participate in after- school activities. They have a lot of possibilities to improve their skills by singing in chorus, folk group, different styles of dance like ballet or capoeira, sports such as karate, kendo, and yoga ( and they are very good at playing chess), leadership, stage performance, journalism, handicrafts, even gardening, and others.

 But the main part of every day life for them is music. Teachers from the Lithuanian Suzuki Association work with families by teaching violin, piano, guitar and cello. Every child with the agreement of parent can play in school ensemble and they have one individual lesson per week. After completing each Suzuki book, the child‘s parents invite all the school community to the concert. Last year we had 11 concerts in one weekend! It was a record. But it is obvious we‘ll beat it this year.

 So, Suzuki music sounds in the school all day long. But the main success is that all teachers communicate in Suzuki spirit with deep respect and responsibility. Parents appreciate that a lot and also learn to bring the Suzuki message to other people. I believe, that every family with children in Kaunas knows about Suzuki method. And they know that from their friends, neighbours and co-workers. Now our biggest need is to expand to secondary school. The building of the school is too small even for more primary classrooms, but with the help of Kaunas municipality we‘ll be able to do that. And we hope that one day Japanese people will be willing to visit our school so that we can communicate to them the happiness which Dr. Shinichi Suzuki‘s ideas brought to our lives!