



 英訳は、バルセロナに住み、ヨーロッパ・スズキ協会とアメリカ・スズキ協会のティーチャートレーナーとして活躍されるルース・三浦先生が担当されています。ルース先生は、ピアノ科の研究生として松本で学び、フルート科を創設された髙橋利夫先生とも交流が深く、鈴木鎮一先生のヨーロッパ訪問では通訳を務めました。2013年の第16回世界大会では、パネルディスカッションの司会を担当。2021年には、ISA(国際スズキ協会)のサイトに、グランドコンサート用に作成された鈴木鎮一先生の年代記の英訳版を編集。この2月にはウクライナ・スズキ協会を支援する寄付サイトも英国・ウェールズ在住のピアノ科指導者、Anna Sibley先生と迅速に開設。日本をはじめ、世界中のスズキに関わる人たちからの寄付金を、ウクライナ・スズキ協会に届けています。現在は、2年間にわたり、「鈴木鎮一マンガ物語」の英訳編集作業を進めておられ、スズキの真髄を全世界に伝える活動をライフワークにされています。


The 50th Anniversary Book English version will be released on June 3rd!


 The 50th Anniversary Book, which was produced by the Suzuki Method Flute Department committee and published in mid-December 2021, has now been translated into English and will be available on the Flute Department's official website from June 3rd.
 The English version includes the complete messages from the overseas flute teachers which were not published in the Japanese version, and it is hoped that this will thoroughly convey the essence of Suzuki flute to people from all over the world.

Ruth Miura with Mr. Takahashi (London, 1983)

 The English translation was prepared by Ruth Miura, who lives in Barcelona and is an ESA and SAA teacher trainer.  Ruth-sensei studied in Matsumoto as a piano trainee, where she had many interactions accompanying for and observing the lessons of Mr. Toshio Takahashi, founder of the flute department, acted as interpreter for Dr. Suzuki on his visits to Europe, and chaired the Symposium II panel discussion at the 16th World Convention in 2013. In 2021, she edited the ISA English translation web version of the Chronology of Dr. Shinichi Suzuki, which was originally compiled for the Grand Concert in Japan. This February, two crowdfunding platforms in aid of the Ukrainian Suzuki Association were also swiftly set up in collaboration with ESA piano teacher Anna Sibley (Wells, UK), and donations from people involved with Suzuki in Japan and around the world have been sent to the Ukrainian Suzuki Association. For the past two years, she has currently been working on editing the English translation of "Shinichi Suzuki - the Story in Manga",  and has made it her life's work to convey the essence of Suzuki to the world.

 We hope you enjoy this opportunity to follow the marvelous story of the birth of the Suzuki Method Flute Department and its subsequent progress, in both the English and Japanese versions, and to savor once more the world of Suzuki flute.
→Click here to download the English version
→Click here to download the Japanese version
→Click here for the official Flute Department website