

 ウクライナのスズキで学ぶ生徒さんや先生たちを支援するためのクラウドファンディングにより、現在までに全世界から約300万円(うち日本から約100万円)の支援を届けることができました。支援のためのクラウドファンディングを立ち上げたポーランド出身で英国在住のピアノ科指導者、Anna Sibley先生、同じく立ち上げの立役者でスペイン在住のピアノ科指導者、Ruth Miura先生からのメッセージとともに、代表して支援を受けとられ、再起のために獅子奮迅の力を注がれたウクライナのヴァイオリン科指導者、Nataliia Koptienkova先生からのメッセージを紹介します。



ピアノ科 ルース・三浦先生(バルセロナ)

 ウクライナ侵攻の初期にお互いの危機感から発展したプロジェクトで、Anna Sibleyと私、Ruth Miuraが企画した2つのクラウドファンディングサイト(Annaが英国で両方のプラットフォームの設定とロジスティックを管理)に、様々なスズキ・グループや個人の寄付者から、今も資金が入っていることをお伝えするのは、とてもうれしいことです。
 カザルスが言ったように、"おそらく世界を救うのは音楽であろう "という言葉は、本当に真実です。



ピアノ科 アンナ・シブリー先生(英国在住。ポーランド出身)

 ゴストメル出身のザハルキクという男の子についてです。彼の母親のラリサは、「彼はヴァイオリンを弾くのが好きな普通の少年だった」と語っています。そして、戦争が始まり、その恐怖から、まず避難所に逃げ込み、国境を越えてポーランドに逃げ込むことにしました。パニックの中で、彼らはヴァイオリンを忘れてしまったのです 壕の中でザハルヒクを落ち着かせたのは、「ヴァイオリンごっこ」をすることでした。









 このプロジェクトでは、ヴァイオリンや電子ピアノなど多くの楽器を購入しました。スズキの先生たちは、難民の子どもたちを無料で音楽レッスンに招待しています。このプロジェクトにかかった費用については、近日中に正確な報告をさせていただきます。 レッスンの様子を写真でお届けします。

 生きていくために、本当にありがとうございます このような素晴らしいご支援、ご協力に感謝いたします。

 ナターリア先生が紹介された子どもオーケストラのワークショップで演奏された中にある「Suzuki Hymn」は、ヘルソン(ウクライナ)出身のヴァイオリニストで作曲家のオレクサンドル・ゴノボリンによる作品とのことです。2018年にリトアニアで行なわれたスズキのワークショップで、この曲を初めて発表し、生徒や先生たちが、指揮のKoen Rensのもとで演奏しました。ゴノボリン自身も故郷を追われ、現在はフランスに逃れてい流状況だそうです。

The world's Suzuki Method connected!
Key players thanked us for crowdfunding support activities.


  Crowdfunding to support students and teachers studying at Suzuki in Ukraine has to date enabled us to deliver approximately JPY 3 million in support from all over the world (including approximately JPY 1 million from Japan). The support has been received on behalf of the teachers, with messages from Anna Sibley, a piano teacher from Poland and living in the UK, and Ruth Miura, a piano teacher from Spain, who were also instrumental in setting up the crowdfunding initiative, to help them get back on their feet. A message from Nataliia Koptienkova, a violin teacher from the Ukraine, who received support on behalf of the project and has been lion-hearted in her efforts to revive the project.


We convey our heartfelt thanks to you.
Ruth Miura from Barcelona

 I am very happy to tell you that funds are still coming in from various Suzuki groups and individual donors on the two crowdfunding sites which Anna Sibley and I organized (with Anna setting up and managing the logistics of both platforms in the UK), in a project which grew out of a mutual sense of urgency in the early days of the invasion of Ukraine. 
 The GoFundme site's original target was set at £1,000 and has now reached 6,332£.
 The justgiving site which was the first one we organised has now raised   £10,996 out of an original target of £5,000.
 The total is now £17,298! This is far and above what we expected, and we are extremely grateful for the great generosity of the donors, and especially to you for your immediate support of the site for the TERI teachers, which led to such an amazing result.  
 We would like to personally thank each student, Suzuki group, teacher or former Suzuki students and personal friends who have contributed  - some of them children who gave all of their accumulated savings in order to help the Ukrainian Suzuki children.  The UNSA president, violin teacher Nataliia Koptienkova, has distributed the funds as needed over the months, and the most recent result was an orchestral workshop which was held in Kyiv. We are humbled by these families' commitment to music and beauty amongst the terrible consequences of the war which surrounds them. 
 It is really true that, as Casals said,  "Perhaps it is music which will save the world." 
 Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. 


Music and human connections were a great strength.

Anna Sibley from UK

 I would like to join Ruth and Nataliia in expressing my deepest gratitude towards all teachers in Japan and all over the world who contributed to our fundraising. 
 I met and worked with several teachers from Ukraine who were displaced all over Poland and the UK. The money makes a huge change to their lives and the lives of the families they teach. 
 Below I show you 2 videos that show you what power music and human connection can do despite the tragedy of war. 
 Dr Suzuki would be smiling knowing how his desire to save the world through the power of music and our hearts, was put into action towards better future for all children. 
 Let's keep the music going as perhaps it is music that will save the world! 
Video 1
Olga teaching her student in Ukraine . This is the reality of their life. But the spirit defies all obstacles.
Video 2
 This video is in Ukrainian. 
 It is about a boy, called Zaharchik from Gostomel. His mum Larysa tells us that he was just a normal little boy who loved to play the violin. Then the war came with all its fear and they decided to flee to the shelter first and then accross the border, to Poland. In the panic they forgot the violin! What helped Zaharchik calm down in the shelter was playing "the pretend violin". 
 When they arrived to Poland, a Suzuki teacher, Joanna, gave Zaharchik violin and some lessons. Nobody knew that the boy has taken something from home with him in the pocket. Something really precious that he kept for emergency, he gave it to Joanna....Watch the video to find out! 
 They are now reunited with their family in Ireland. Missing dad and home but full of hope to return one day. 


Dear friends,

Nataliia Koptienkova(The UNSA president)


  All Ukrainian Suzuki teachers and students are sincerely grateful for the help we receive from all over the World. 

 The Orchestral Workshop that we were able to hold in Kyiv in the summer really helped to support Ukrainian teachers and children from different regions of Ukraine. 
 We all received a lot of positive emotions, which is so important in this difficult time. 
 I want to share a video from the final concert of this event:
 Teachers and students from Kyiv, Kharkiv, Rivne, Sumy, Luhansk and other region are on stage.
 Thank you to everyone who supports us! 
  In October, 2022, we started a new project "Music will save the World". 

 Thanks to financial support, we opened music therapy classes for children from Ukraine in Poland (Szczecin, Katowice, Toruń), Germany (Hera). 

    Also, our Suzuki teachers teach children who suffered from the war in Ukraine in the cities of Mukachevo, Kyiv, Lviv region. 

 We purchased many musical instruments for this project - violins and digital pianos. Our Suzuki teachers invite refugee children to free music lessons. 
 Soon I will provide an accurate report on the financial costs of this project. 
 I want to send some photos from these lessons. 
I want to send some photos from these lessons. 
 Thank you very much for the opportunity to live on! We appreciate this incredible support and help!


Editor's note
 'Suzuki Hymn', one of the pieces performed at the children's orchestra workshop introduced by Nataliia, is a piece by the violinist and composer Oleksandr Gonobolin from Herson (Ukraine).The piece was performed at the 2018 Suzuki in Lithuania workshop, where the piece was presented for the first time and performed by students and teachers under the direction of Koen Rens.